Crenshaw, Taylor, Panetta, Luria Introduce Full Military Honors Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Dan Crenshaw joined Representatives Van Taylor (R-TX), Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), and Elaine Luria (D-VA) in introducing the Full Military Honors Act. The legislation provides a full military honors ceremony – including funeral escort honor platoon, military band, firing party, and horse-drawn caisson – for Prisoners Of War and Medal of Honor recipients at Arlington National Cemetery.  Currently, full military honors are reserved for senior officers, noncommissioned officers, and servicemembers killed in combat.  Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) introduced a companion piece of legislation in the Senate.

"Valor knows no rank. Providing full military honors is the least we can do for our Prisoners Of War and Medal of Honor recipients.  This bill will rightfully recognize and honor their courageous service and sacrifices.  Through this legislation, we stand with their families in saying ‘never forget’,” said Crenshaw.

"Medal of Honor recipients and Prisoners Of War have made incredible sacrifices for our nation, as have their families and loved ones.  Ensuring we properly recognize their sacrifice and service, even after their passing, is a small yet meaningful symbol of our gratitude.  Those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom deserve to be honored as the heroes that they are," said Taylor. 

"This legislation provides Medal of Honor and Prisoners Of War heroes the recognition they deserve for their unwavering service to our country.  Full military honors ceremonies remind us of the service and valor demonstrated by those who have defended, protected, and sacrificed for freedom and democracy.  I am humbled and honored to introduce this bipartisan legislation with my servicemember and veteran colleagues," said Panetta.  

"Arlington National Cemetery is the final resting place for America’s bravest heroes.  Eligible Medal of Honor recipients and Prisoners of War unquestionably fall into that category, and they deserve full military honors at the end of life," Luria said.  "I am proud to cosponsor this bipartisan legislation to ensure we properly remember their dedication, courage, and sacrifice."

To view the text of the bill, click here.


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