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Dan Creshaw U.S. Congressman for the 2nd District of Texas
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Congressman Crenshaw here,

This week, I called on local "leaders" to stop infringing upon the civil liberties of everyday Americans by locking up moms and dads who are simply trying to feed their families. I also spoke at the White House about protecting American energy independence and reopening our economy.

As a reminder to Texans in the Second District, I have established a resource page on my website to keep our community updated on the latest developments. The page provides tips from the CDC on how to stay healthy, additional resources for more information about coronavirus, and updates on the federal response to this situation. Please visit for more information.

Please reach out to my offices if you have a concern, want to hear what we’re working on in Congress, or are having trouble with a federal agency. I have a full team in Texas and in the nation's capital ready to assist you. Be sure to stay up to date by following me on TwitterFacebook, and YouTube. For a behind-the-scenes look, follow my staff's official Instagram account.

Now, let's catch up. 
My civics lesson to so-called leaders: stop punishing your citizens

So-called “leaders” across the country have been violating their contract with the American people. A Texas mother - Shelley Luther -  was thrown in jail for keeping her business open to try to feed her family. A paddle boarder in California was chased down by police boats. A former police officer in Colorado was arrested for playing catch with his daughter in a park. It must stop. No more punishments.

Governor Abbott made the right decision by stopping the jailing of people for violating social distancing orders, and the Texas Supreme Court ordered Shelley Luther to be released. But this needs to happen across the country. 

I agree with guidelines to keep people safe. But we should not be using the full force of the law to punish Americans for engaging in activity that was perfectly legal until very recently. We can and must trust the American people to be smart, properly risk mitigate, and safely reopen our economy while preventing the further spread of this virus. Click here or on the image to watch.

Speaking at white house on energy independence and reopening the economy

?I also met with President Trump at the White House this week and stressed the need to protect American energy independence and provide a strategy to reopen America's economy. The energy industry has been hit particularly hard during this crisis, and that has a real impact on jobs and livelihoods in Texas. Ultimately, we need a smart strategy to reopen the economy to address the plummeting demand that has hurt American energy independence.

Reviving our economy and getting people back to work will help the energy industry and every other industry across America. I made that point very clear at the White House this week.

Click here or on the image below to watch.
Happy mother's day weekend

Happy Mother's Day weekend to all of the wonderful moms out there. My mom - Susan Crenshaw (pictured above with me) - was my rock. My mom passed away from cancer when I was just 10 years old, but she is still one of the biggest heroes in my life. She dealt with a terrible situation with admirable grace and humor and courage, which we could all use right now. 

We are going through difficult times and a lot of moms are wearing many different hats - teacher, principal, coach - as their kids are home from school. So it's more important now than ever before to celebrate these heroes this Mother's Day weekend. 


Don't miss my latest "Hold These Truths" podcast! Find all episodes here.

FOX News: Crenshaw calls out 'so-called' judges 'drunk on power' after jailing of Texas salon owner

Click 2 Houston: 
Houston Newsmakers EXTRA: Congressman Dan Crenshaw

Reuters: Texas governor bans jail time for coronavirus lockdown violations

In Service,

Dan Crenshaw
Office Locations
Office Locations
413 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6565
1849 Kingwood Dr
Suite 100
Kingwood, TX 77339
Phone: (713) 860-1330
9720 Cypresswood Drive
Suite 206
Houston, Texas 77070
Phone: (281) 640-7720
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