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Dan Creshaw U.S. Congressman for the 2nd District of Texas
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Congressman Crenshaw here,

This week, I continued to call for smart reopening strategies - like we're doing in Texas - across the country to get Americans back to work. I also examined why the reopening debate has been so politically polarizing, and held a virtual town hall with more than 400 people in the Second District to discuss flood mitigation and readiness. 

As a reminder to Texans in the Second District, I have established a resource page on my website to keep our community updated on the latest developments. The page provides tips from the CDC on how to stay healthy, additional resources for more information about coronavirus, and updates on the federal response to this situation. Please visit for more information.

Please reach out to my offices if you have a concern, want to hear what we’re working on in Congress, or are having trouble with a federal agency. I have a full team in Texas and in the nation's capital ready to assist you. Be sure to stay up to date by following me on TwitterFacebook, and YouTube. For a behind-the-scenes look, follow my staff's official Instagram account.

Now, let's catch up. 
texas is reopening safely. so can the rest of the country

We can trust the American people to safely reopen our economy and get back to work. That’s what we’re doing in Texas. It needs to happen sooner than later across the country.

We continue to boost our testing capabilities and our health care system in Texas is more than capable to handle a potential uptick in cases. Meanwhile, hospitalizations are down and our death rate in Texas is lower than much of the country. We're going back on offense against coronavirus in our state and I'm continuing to call for an offensive strategy against coronavirus nationwide. Click here or on the image to watch. 

Why has the reopening debate divided us?

When major liberal outlets accuse red states of experimenting in human sacrifice for reopening, it’s clear there is a problem. What is the psychology behind this vitriol? Why is this debate so polarizing?

I examined this very question in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal this week. Liberals and conservatives view risk, morality, liberty, and the government's role in our lives differently. Despite these differences, we can all come together as Americans to have the hard conversations about how to move forward and reopen our country. Click here to read the op-ed. 

Click here or on the image below to watch my interview with FOX Business on this topic.
virtual town hall on flood mitigation
With hurricane season right around the corner, flooding is still a top concern for Houstonians. That’s why I held a virtual town hall with more than 400 people in the Second District to answer their questions and discuss flood mitigation and readiness.

During the call, I was joined by Russ Poppe of Harris County Flood Control. The discussion focused on preparedness and the status of flood damage reduction projects throughout Harris County. If you missed the virtual town hall, click here to watch the event. 

Click here or on the image above to check out the Houston Chronicle's report on the town hall. 


Don't miss my latest "Hold These Truths" podcast! Find all episodes here.

FOX News: Dan Crenshaw: Dems want to keep states locked down and have the rest of the country pay for it

FOX Business: 
Texas is reopening and ‘no apocalypse coming’: Rep. Dan Crenshaw

Daily Wire:  Dan Crenshaw: We ‘Mentally Manipulated Ourselves Into This Abundance Of Fear’

In Service,

Dan Crenshaw
Office Locations
Office Locations
413 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6565
1849 Kingwood Dr
Suite 100
Kingwood, TX 77339
Phone: (713) 860-1330
9720 Cypresswood Drive
Suite 206
Houston, Texas 77070
Phone: (281) 640-7720
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