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Dan Creshaw U.S. Congressman for the 2nd District of Texas
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Congressman Crenshaw here,

This week, Democrats engaged in gross partisanship as they sent a $3 trillion messaging bill to the House floor, which they know will not become law or help anyone in the coronavirus pandemic. I also introduced new legislation to help unemployed Americans return to work and released a video series for students learning from home during their last month of school.

As a reminder to Texans in the Second District, I have established a resource page on my website to keep our community updated on the latest developments. The page provides tips from the CDC on how to stay healthy, additional resources for more information about coronavirus, and updates on the federal response to this situation. Please visit for more information.

Please reach out to my offices if you have a concern, want to hear what we’re working on in Congress, or are having trouble with a federal agency. I have a full team in Texas and in the nation's capital ready to assist you. Be sure to stay up to date by following me on TwitterFacebook, and YouTube. For a behind-the-scenes look, follow my staff's official Instagram account.

Now, let's catch up. 
Pelosi plays politics (again) during a pandemic

Why does it seem like some Democrats want to keep America locked down? Because in their false socialist utopia, the people must solely rely on a benevolent government to meet their every need.? ?But that’s not the reality Americans want.?

Instead of going back to work to solve individual problems with individual, targeted solutions, Nancy Pelosi kept the House in hiding while she crafted a partisan, multi-trillion dollar bill. In this bill was a wish-list of progressive policies like taxing Texans to bailout blue-states and eliminating certain voter ID laws. 

Democrats did not get a shred of input from Republicans on this bill. They drafted it in secret and know that it will never become law. This is no way to govern. Click here or on the image to watch. 

giving americans an incentive to return to work

Millions of Americans are filing for unemployment every single week and the last thing we want to do is to put them in a difficult position where they would be better off not working. Keeping employees attached to their employer during this pandemic is essential to reviving our economy.

That's why I'm introducing legislation to fix the work disincentive that was included in the CARES Act. You can read more about my bill on my website here

Americans should not be worried that returning to work will put them in a worse financial position than remaining unemployed. By allowing returning workers to keep some benefits through July 31st, my bill will help get people back on their feet and help get America back to work.

Click here or on the image below to watch.
Crenshaw's classroom

Many kids are stuck at home during what is likely the last month of school for them, and many parents have been working hard to homeschool them. So I figured they might appreciate a substitute teacher for a few minutes!

I’m releasing a new four-part video series called “Crenshaw’s Classroom” to give kids an alternative to the latest TikTok video when they’re scrolling through Facebook. These videos detail little-known stories that probably aren’t told in history class!

Click here or on the image above to check out the first video on my YouTube page for the Story of Old Glory.


Don't miss my latest "Hold These Truths" podcast! Find all episodes here.

FOX News: Chinese state media ominously threatens GOP lawmakers, hints at Election Day impact

 Daily Caller: 
Dan Crenshaw: Democrats ‘Want To Make Sure Americans Don’t Work’

 FOX Business: Democrats' coronavirus relief package aims to create unrealistic ‘socialist utopia’: Rep. Crenshaw

In Service,

Dan Crenshaw
Office Locations
Office Locations
413 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6565
1849 Kingwood Dr
Suite 100
Kingwood, TX 77339
Phone: (713) 860-1330
9720 Cypresswood Drive
Suite 206
Houston, Texas 77070
Phone: (281) 640-7720
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