(Washington, DC) – The House of Representatives today passed two bills introduced by Congressman Dan Crenshaw (TX-02) that would safeguard and strengthen the national security objectives of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Crenshaw’s legislation – the Drone Origin Security Enhancement Act (H.R. 4753) and the DHS Acquisition Reform Act (H.R. 3413) – passed the House with bipartisan support. Further information on the legislation is included below.

The Drone Origin Security Enhancement Act (H.R. 4753) prohibits the Secretary of Homeland Security from procuring unmanned aircraft systems that are manufactured in a foreign country, such as China, that has been labeled a strategic competitor by the Department of Defense. Crenshaw spoke on the House floor in support of his legislation.

The Department of Homeland Security is charged with protecting Americans here at home and it is critical that the technologies used to carry out this mission are secure. The risk posed by certain foreign drone manufacturers is well-documented and presents a national security threat. Chinese manufactured drones could provide a back door for the Chinese government to access sensitive flight data from drones used by DHS. My bill, H.R. 4753, seeks to address this vulnerability,” said Crenshaw on the House floor. “Simply put: my bill will ensure that DHS is not using drone equipment from a foreign government that our military views as a threat.”

CLICK HERE to watch Crenshaw’s remarks on the House floor in support of the Drone Origin Security Enhancement Act.

The DHS Acquisition Reform Act (H.R.3413) helps ensure that DHS acquisition programs are adhering to budget constraints and key deadlines. According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in 2016, 32 percent of major acquisition programs at the Department experienced cost overruns and schedule delays, increasing costs by $1.7 billion on average and missing key deadlines by almost one year.

“The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for securing our borders, defending our cyber networks, safeguarding air travel, and protecting our land and sea ports. To carry out these important missions, it is imperative that DHS acquire the proper tools and equipment, and maintain proper oversight of such acquisitions. Both the Government Accountability Office and the DHS Office of Inspector General have reported on the persistent challenges that DHS has faced for years in managing its major acquisition programs,” said Crenshaw on the House floor. “This bill goes a long way to correct some of the current shortfalls in the acquisition process, which will help ensure we are being responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars and protecting the integrity of these programs.”

CLICK HERE to watch Crenshaw’s remarks on the House floor in support of the DHS Acquisition Reform Act.

Crenshaw’s bills now await action in the Senate. For legislative text of the Drone Origin Security Enhancement Act, please CLICK HERE (https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/4753?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%224753%22%7D). For legislative text of the DHS Acquisition Reform Act, please CLICK HERE (https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/3413?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%223413%22%7D&r=1&s=2).

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